1,000-Year-Old ‘Excalibur’ Sword Unearthed In Spain Holds Islamic Origins

1,000-Year-Old ‘Excalibur’ Sword Unearthed In Spain Holds Islamic Origins

Researchers in Valencia have made significant progress in unraveling the mysteries surrounding a historic sword affectionately dubbed “Excalibur.” Discovered upright in 1994 at an archaeological site in Valencia’s ancient town, this iron sword has intrigued scholars and enthusiasts for decades due to its enigmatic origins. Initially unearthed in the northern section of the ancient Roman Forum, the sword’s age and importance remained elusive, hindering efforts to fully understand its cultural and historical significance.

Recent investigations by the Archaeology Service (SIAM) of the Valencia City Council have shed light on this artifact. Using meticulous dating techniques, researchers confirmed that “Excalibur” dates back to the 10th century, marking it as over a thousand years old. This revelation situates the sword within the era of Islamic rule in Spain, known as Al-Andalus, making it a rare artifact from this period. The sword measures approximately 18 inches in length and features a hilt adorned with bronze plates, with a gently curving blade.

Despite initial comparisons to Visigoth swords, further analysis has confirmed its Islamic origins. José Luis Moreno, the councilor for Cultural Action, Heritage, and Cultural Resources, expressed excitement over the findings, noting that the archaeologist José Miguel Osuna is conducting a detailed study of metallic objects from Roman to late medieval times, which has led to the discovery of this exceptional piece, referred to as the Excalibur de Roc Chabàs due to its similarities to the legendary sword of King Arthur.

1,000-Year-Old ‘Excalibur’ Sword Unearthed In Spain Holds Islamic Origins
1,000-Year-Old ‘Excalibur’ Sword Unearthed In Spain Holds Islamic Origins

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