In an incident that shocked the scientific community and internet users around the world, Elon Musk was reportedly physically attacked during a scientific conference. The event, immortalized by a randomly recorded video, shows the world-famous entrepreneur in a situation of extreme tension.
According to witnesses present, the incident occurred as Musk was speaking to share his thoughts on the future of sustainable technologies. At an unexpected moment, a man described as an attendee violently shoved him before security intervened.
The short video, which quickly circulated on social media, shows the confusion in the room as the attack takes place. Although the identity of the attacker has not yet been established, the motives behind this act are still unclear.
Elon Musk, who is known for his controversial stances on various issues, has not yet publicly commented on the incident. However, his supporters expressed their outrage online and called for a thorough investigation to understand the circumstances of the act.
This event raises questions about public speaking safety and highlights the risks faced by high-profile figures in the modern world. More details are expected as authorities review footage and gather witness statements to get to the bottom of this case.