Elon Musk’s Mom Knew He Was A ‘Genius’ By 3 Years Old But Worried He’d ‘End Up In A Basement’ – Now He’s The Richest Man In The World




Elon Musk’s Mom Knew He Was A ‘Genius’ By 3 Years Old But Worried He’d ‘End Up In A Basement’ – Now He’s The Richest Man In The World


Maye, a well-known model and dietitian, reflected on Elon’s childhood during a recent interview. She shared that even at a very young age, it was clear that Elon’s intellectual curiosity and ability to understand complex concepts were far beyond his years. “He was always a bright kid. He had a very high IQ,” Maye said, describing how Elon’s ability to learn and absorb information amazed her. She recalled moments when he would devour books on topics ranging from technology to physics, seemingly without effort.

However, despite Elon’s remarkable intellect, Maye expressed concerns about his future. “I worried about him because he was so different from the other kids,” she confessed. “I was afraid that he’d end up in a basement somewhere, alone with his ideas.” Elon was known to be somewhat of a solitary child, spending much of his time reading and tinkering with inventions. This led to worries that he might struggle socially or not find a way to channel his abilities in a practical, productive manner.


Looking back, it’s evident that Maye’s worries were unfounded. Elon Musk’s drive, ambition, and ability to push boundaries have propelled him to the top of the business world. As of now, he is not only the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, but he has also ventured into industries such as neural technology with Neuralink, and social media with his acquisition of Twitter. His vision for the future, from colonizing Mars to transitioning the world to sustainable energy, has captivated the global public and made him a household name.


Elon Musk’s Mom Knew He Was A ‘Genius’ By 3 Years Old But Worried He’d ‘End Up In A Basement’ – Now He’s The Richest Man In The World


Despite his immense success, Elon Musk has often spoken about the difficulties and challenges he faced along the way. His path to becoming the richest person on the planet was not without setbacks, including numerous failed business ventures and the financial struggles of Tesla in its early years. Musk’s resilience and determination were key factors in his eventual success, but they were also traits that his mother had recognized from the very beginning.

Maye Musk, now a successful author and businesswoman herself, has always been supportive of her son’s unconventional journey. In interviews, she has spoken about how she encouraged Elon to pursue his dreams, even when those dreams seemed improbable or unrealistic to others. “I always told him to follow his passion, even if people didn’t understand it,” she said. “I knew that he was destined for something great, even if I didn’t know exactly what it would be at the time.”

Elon Musk's model mother Maye knew he was a genius at age three | Daily  Mail Online

As Elon Musk continues to make waves across various industries, his mother’s early insight into his brilliance serves as a reminder that even the most visionary minds can sometimes be misunderstood in their early years. While Maye Musk may have had concerns about her son’s future, it’s clear that her support, paired with Elon’s undeniable drive, has played a role in his extraordinary journey from a bright child to the richest person in the world.

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