Keanu Reeves Ignores Diddy’S Jail Time And Still Happily Races At Indianapolis Motor Speedway, Indiana “Because I Have Nothing To Do With That Bad Guy”

According to CNN, the Matrix star was present at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, Indiana last weekend. The competition is an event for the car enthusiast community and amateur racers. After two days of competition, Keanu Reeves ranked 25th and 24th respectively out of 33 contestants.

Keanu Reeves Ignores Diddy’S Jail Time And Still Happily Races At Indianapolis Motor Speedway, Indiana “Because I Have Nothing To Do With That Bad Guy”

In the first round, the actor had an accident causing the car to spin and enter the grass outside the competition area. At that time, the competition had only lasted 45 minutes and Reeves had only completed half the race. He returned to the track after controlling the situation, announcing that he was not injured.

The news agency said that the car the actor used was inspired by the novel The Book of Elsewhere, co-written by him and British writer China Miéville, released in July. He did not compete alone but participated with his teammate – actor Cody Jones. Keanu Reeves races cars
USAActor Keanu Reeves, 60 years old, participated in the Toyota GR Cup professional tournament for the first time on October 5 and 6.

According to CNN, the Matrix star was present at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, Indiana last weekend. The competition is an event for the car enthusiast community and amateur racers. After two days of competition, Keanu Reeves ranked 25th and 24th out of 33 contestants.

Actor Keanu Reeves at the racetrack on October 5

In the first round, the actor had an accident causing the car to spin and encroach on the grass outside the competition area. At that time, the competition had only lasted 45 minutes and Reeves had only completed half the race. He returned to the track after controlling the situation, announcing that he was not injured.

Keanu Reeves Ignores Diddy’S Jail Time And Still Happily Races At Indianapolis Motor Speedway, Indiana “Because I Have Nothing To Do With That Bad Guy”
The news agency said the car the actor used was inspired by the novel The Book of Elsewhere, co-written by him and British writer China Miéville, which was released in July. He did not compete alone but joined his teammate – actor Cody Jones.

Although it was his first time competing in a professional tournament, the John Wick star has experience competing as he won the 2009 celebrity car race – Long Beach Toyota Grand Prix.

According to Deadline, Keanu Reeves is passionate about racing, often going to watch F1 and professional motorbike races. He was a host in the documentary Brawn: The Impossible Formula 1 Story (2023) about sports car racing. In 2011, the actor collaborated with car designer Gard Hollinger to found the custom motorcycle company Arch Motorcycle. The two are planning to release a documentary series, The Arch Project, revolving around the story of building the brand, with no set release date.

Keanu Reeves was born in 1964, is a Canadian actor, director and producer. With more than 30 years in the profession, he is one of the highest-grossing stars in Hollywood, famous for his role as assassin John Wick in the action film series of the same name. The actor is loved for his friendly, positive personality despite having gone through many events. Reeves is currently dating artist Alexandra Grant, nine years younger than him.

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