Newly surfaced footage has revealed the chilling moments leading up to the tragic death of former One Direction star Liam Payne, with disturbing evidence found after security was called to his hotel room. The footage, now under police investigation, shows security staff entering Payne’s room at the Casa Sur Hotel in Buenos Aires moments before his fall, shedding light on the mysterious circumstances surrounding his untimely passing.
According to sources, security was alerted to Payne’s room after hotel staff grew concerned about his behavior. Disturbing reports have emerged that Payne was acting erratically, with hotel guests claiming to have seen him in distress prior to the fatal incident. As security entered the room, they found a chaotic scene, including broken furniture and signs of substance use. Photos of the room later revealed a shattered television, burned marks, and white powder scattered around, sparking further speculation about Payne’s final hours.
The footage, though grainy, appears to show Payne in an agitated state, struggling with something unseen before tragically falling from his hotel balcony. The exact cause of his death is still under investigation, but an autopsy confirmed multiple traumatic injuries, including a fractured skull. Investigators are also looking into potential drug use, with traces of cocaine and alcohol found in Payne’s system.
This new evidence adds an unsettling layer to the mystery of Liam Payne’s death, leaving fans and authorities alike searching for answers. As police continue their investigation, the unsettling footage and evidence found in his hotel room paint a haunting picture of the singer’s final moments.